1. Praise:

    Our salvation is guaranteed by Messiah Yeshua's resurrection. Shabbat's prophetic portion has a prophecy about this: I will ransom them from the power of the grave; I will redeem them from death. Death, I will be your plagues; grave, I will be your destruction. Repentance [the changing of one's mind] shall be hid from My eyes. (Hos. 13:14; cp. 1 Cor. 15:54-55)

    • Lord Yeshua, we praise You for being the Resurrection and the Life to all who believe (John 11:25).

    • Thank You for Your grace that enables us to be witnesses of Your resurrection (Acts 4:33).

    • Hallelujah! Through Your resurrection, You were declared to be God the Son (Rom. 1:3-4)!

    • Father God, we bless You for giving us great mercy which enables us to have a living hope through the Lord Yeshua's resurrection (1 Pet. 1:3).

    • We trust completely in You because Your essential nature does not change (Mal. 3:6).

    • We trust completely in You because You are not a man who can lie, but what You say You will do – You do – in Your timing and in Your way (Num. 23:19; 1 Sam. 15:29; Tit. 1:1-3a).

    • Lord, thank You that through Your incarnation You confirmed Your promises to Israel's forefathers which also opened the door for gentiles to become part of the family of God (Rom. 15:8-12).

  2. Government:

    During this week negotiations to establish a right-wing government under Bibi Netanyahu have made some progress, yet as we do not trust the headlines, we continue to pray for the type of government that will please God – which of course will displease the nations.

    • Lord, as the potential coalition partners read the prophetic portion, especially those who claim to be God-fearing and wear a kippah on their heads, let Your warnings of pride versus humility in Hosea 13:1 and 13:6 cause a real Bible-type fear of God to be placed deeply in their hearts (Prov. 28:25-26).

    • Israel absolutely needs Your help, and so based on Hosea 13:9-10a, Lord rule as Israel's King.

    • Set up a God-fearing government that is pleasing to You and drive out the fear of man from Israel's Knesset [parliament] (Psa. 118:6-9; Prov. 29:25; Heb. 13:5-6).

    • Establish the new government in Your timing, and we do ask for it to be very soon (Eccl. 3:1).

    • Allow all whom You have ordained to be ministers in the new Israeli coalition to be the ones chosen by Bibi Netanyahu – while blocking all who should not be in it (Psa. 75:6-7; Jer. 27:5).

    • Make Bibi to be like an expert charioteer who keeps all of his horses moving as one towards a common goal (Jam. 3:3).

    • Overrule all of his thoughts so that only Your will is accomplished (Prov. 16:9).

    • Deafen him to all international and media pressure that distracts him from hearing You (Isa. 30:21).

    • Work in the hearts of the coalition partners to be flexible and willing to compromise (Job 32:11).

    • Give them a heart for the best interests of Israel more than their own political gain (2 Sam. 23:2-3).

    • Let the "radical" politicians who want traditional family structure taught in the Israeli schools – and not the LGBTQ+ anti-biblical brainwashing – be able to implement their goals (Isa. 5:;20).

    • Although the current negotiations are extremely complicated to us, You are not confused, and so we pray for Your Spirit to hover over the political chaos and bring forth Your light (Gen. 1:2-3).

    • May Your kingdom come, and Your will be done through these coalition negotiations (Matt. 6:10).

  3. Internal security:

    Terrorism has exploded in Israel and warnings from Israel's security forces say that this will only increase in the near future. Yet Israel is aggressively fighting the terrorists and their infrastructures and we expect the new coalition to intensify this action. Also, many of the parties who will be part of the coalition have already said that they want to extend Israel's sovereignty over more of the land. We say "Amen" to that!

    • Abba, fulfill Your promise to Jacob that is in the Torah portion concerning Your land, as You are fulfilling Your promise of the gospel to the gentiles in Jacob's Seed (Gen. 28:13-15; cp. Gal. 3:8).

    • God Almighty, arrange circumstances so that Israel has no choice but to extend its sovereignty over all of the land west of the Jordan River (Jer. 32:43-44; Obad. 1:17).

    • Since the world already criticizes Israel regardless of what it does to protects itself, let it extend its sovereignty as per Your will, and trust You to deal with the nations (Isa. 40:15-17, 23; Joel 3:1-2).

    • Lord, in Your timing, lead the new coalition to extend Israeli civil law over all of the Israeli cities and towns in Judea and Samaria (Obad. 1:17).

    • God, please build up and expand all the cities and towns in Judea and Samaria (Isa. 44:24-26).

    • Let there be no division between Netanyahu, whoever the new Defense Minister will be, and the new IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi (Eccl. 4:12b).

    • We thank You for the many successes of the IDF's offensive actions against terrorism and ask You to increase that success rate exponentially (Psa. 44:4-5).

    • Shield Israel's security forces, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually (2 Sam. 22:3).

    • Grant alertness and discernment to Israel's security forces and its civilians (Psa. 121:4).

    • Release Your Angel to pursue after those who want to destroy Israel (Psa. 35:5-8).

    • Lord of hosts, arise and scatter Your enemies (Psa. 3:7; 68:1, 30; 83:1-4).

    • Hinder the Islamic spirit of terrorism from infecting Arab-Israelis (Psa. 35:12; 37:9; 40:14).

    • As terrorists and their plots so often fail, shame them into seeking You (Psa. 83:16).

    • Protect and save all the Palestinians who work undercover with Israel (Gen. 12:3a).

    • Enable their intelligence-gathering to be successful and analyzed correctly (Mark 4:22).

    • Send forth laborers into the harvest field of Palestinian souls and reap a huge harvest (Luke 10:2).

  4. Foreign relations:

    Israel is geographically situated as a land-bridge between Asia, Africa and Europe. Politically, it has looked westward, yet some of its most important and strongest allies are in the East – like India and Azerbaijan. Netanyahu has shown himself to be a brilliant foreign diplomat, so we want to see an excellent relationship between him and Israel's new Foreign Minister.

    • Lord, promote Your chosen person to be Israel's next foreign minister (Prov. 8:15-16).

    • Make the next foreign minister responsible to You first, and not a man-fearer (Ex. 18:21; Neh. 7:2).

    • Create an excellent working relationship between Netanyahu and the new foreign minister and let Bibi know how to mentor this person to be the best foreign minister he can be (2 Tim. 2:2).

    • Bless the foreign minister with wisdom on how to navigate foreign relations, especially with Israel's so-called "friends," and pour out a gift to communicate with wisdom and clarity (Prov. 2:6; Jam. 1:5).

    • Prepare Israel to resist the wrath of the nations as it extends its hold more firmly on Your land that You have promised to Your people (Num. 24:5-9; Psa. 2:1-3).

    • Encourage and strengthen Israel's UN Ambassador Gilad Erdan, especially in the face of the latest blasphemous decree from that anti-Christ place, as they have just declared Israel's Independence Day as the Palestinian's Nakba – "catastrophe" Day (Psa. 33:10-11; Dan. 4:35)!

    • Give Israel's leaders courage to "Just say no!" to America as it constantly presses Israel to do, or not to do, those things that You have told it to do in Your Word (Psa. 118:6-12; Isa. 51:7, 12).

    • Use the Biden Administration to push Israel further away from trusting in America, thus forcing it to draw closer to, and trust more fully in, You (Psa. 118:8-9; Jer. 17:5-8).

    • Thank You that You are in the process of fulfilling Your word that Israel will be people who dwells alone, not counting itself as just one of the other nations (Num. 23:9).

  5. External security:

    The current Iranian Shi'ite regime is battling internal chaos and is blaming outside forces, especially "the Zionist Entity" Israel and America, for fanning the flames. Yet since the flames are not being quenched, there is a chance that Iran's proxies will attack Israel to divert attention from the homeland so that Iran can then freely slaughter as many of its people as it needs to in order to stop the current insurrection.

    • May the IDF's Iran Command, like David, constantly look to You for guidance (2 Sam. 5:19-25).

    • Enable them to be open to thinking outside of the box militarily (Judg. 7:16-22; 1 Sam. 17:40-50).

    • Continue to advance Israel's weapons development and its cyberwarfare expertise (Ezek. 37:10).

    • Give Israel discernment as to with whom – if anyone – it should share its weapons breakthroughs.

    • Build up Your Body in Iran (Matt. 16:18b) and also destroy the Shi'ite regime, including totally destroying Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corp [IRGC] (Jer. 49:38).

    • Use the internal and external pressures that are overtaking Iran to force its leaders into making more major geo-political errors (Psa. 35:26; 129:5).

    • Lord, prepare Iran's next leadership and may they be pro-Israel (2 Chr. 36:22-23).

    • Have mercy on the demonstrators and use the believers among them to perform miraculous signs and wonders in the name of Yeshua and for Your glory (Acts 2:43; 4:30).

    • Lord, break all ties between Iran and Russia and Iran and China (Prov. 11:21a; 16:5).

    • Impart to Israel divine strategy in dealing with the threat of Hizbullah in Lebanon (1 Kin. 20:28-29).

    • If, in fact, Hizbullah has and is storing chemical weapons on Israel's northern border, show Israel how to pre-empt and destroy this threat as soon as possible (Eccl. 8:11; Joel 2:20-21).

  6. Aliyah:

    This end-time move of God is in preparation for the return of Messiah Yeshua. Also, this is the only thing He states He will do with all of His heart and soul in His Word (Jer. 32:41). He has, and continues to, proclaim the good news of Yeshua throughout the world, and today the new thing He is fulfilling is Israel's restoration to its land and its salvation in its Messiah, the One whom Thomas confessed as My Lord and my God (John 20:28).

    • Bless You for the increased numbers of new immigrants who have returned this year (Isa. 43:5-7).

    • Root them deeply into Your land and burn their bridges behind them (Amos 9:14-15).

    • Oversee the planting of the Jews who return onto all areas in Your land (Jer. 33:1-4; Obad. 1:17-21).

    • As a change to the Law of Return regarding who is a Jew is possible under Israel's new coalition, we ask for You to rule over all decisions that are made (Psa. 103:19; Prov. 21:1).

    • Impart a positive vision of life in Israel to those making aliyah and do not allow all of the anti-Israel rhetoric in exile deter them from coming home (Num. 13:26-14:9).

    • Unstick all Jews stuck in their gilded cages in the West and chase them home (Jer. 50:28; 51:9).

    • Let the rise of Western anti-Semitism cause such a great concern for their children's future that it creates in Jewish parents an urgency to immigrate to Israel (Jer. 16:16).

    • Reveal to Gentile believers by Your Word that You are expecting them to support aliyah with their prayers, finances, and also with actually lifting and building (Isa. 49:22; 60:3-11; 61:5; 62:5-6).

  7. Salvation:

    One of the most explicit expressions of God's grace in maintaining His relationship with Israel, His backslidden people, is found in this Shabbat's prophetic reading. I will heal their backsliding, I will love them freely: for My anger is turned away from him. (Hos. 14:4)

    • Lord, based solely on Your grace, lift the veil from Jewish eyes and let them behold the Lamb of God who carries away their sins (John 1:29, 35-36).

    • Abba, please move among Your people and sovereignly heal their backsliding (Jer. 14:7).

    • Bring a revelation of Messiah to all those who have made aliyah in the past year (Jer. 32:37-40).

    • Speak from the prophetic portion to Jews who are seeking for "spiritual enlightenment" but not from You, saying to them, you shall know no god but Me, for there is no Savior beside Me (Hos. 13:4b).

    • Open many Jewish hearts to perceive You Yeshua as the Light of the world during the upcoming Chanukah and Christmas season (John 8:12; 12:46).

    • Use the new coalition to bring all of Zechariah 12 closer to being fulfilled.

    • Place a burden on Your Body to intercede for the salvation of the Jews (Rom. 9:1-5; 10:1-2).

  8. Body of Messiah:

    In the praise section, we referenced Yeshua's defeat of death through His resurrection. In the book of Acts the early believers emphasized the resurrection as the proof of Yeshua's Messiahship. Yet today's Western Church mentions the resurrection barely once a year. Are we ashamed to proclaim supernatural miracles in the face of so much "scientific" anti-supernaturalism in believing circles today? Yet you cannot be born-again if you do not believe that Yeshua was raised up from the dead: …if you confess with your mouth the Lord Yeshua, and believe in your heart that God has raised Him out from the dead you shall be saved. (Rom. 10:9)

    • Lord, turn Your Body back to the early Messianic Jewish preaching found in Acts which focused on Your resurrection and not exclusively on the cross (Acts 2:31; 4:2; 17:18; 23:6; 24:15; 24:21).

    • Help us all to strive like Paul to know the power of Your resurrection (Phil. 3:9b-11).

    • Let the reality of Israel's national resurrection bring You much praise (Isa. 66:8-9).

  9. Water:

    We do ask God for water for while there is no water crisis in Israel this year, He wants us to ask so that when he answers, we give Him all the praise and glory (Psa. 50:15).

    • Lord, send the rain so that Your people ...may see, and know, and consider, and understand together, that the hand of YHWH has done this, and the Holy One of Israel has created it. (Isa. 41:20)

    • Fill the Sea of Galilee and all of the underground aquifers this season (Psa. 65:9-13; 68:9).

  10. IFI:

    Thank you for standing with us in prayer and by your encouraging notes and financial support. They are all appreciated and needed.

Shabbat shalom and blessings from Israel

For the IFI team

Num. 6:24-26