To You I will cry, O LORD my Rock: Do not be silent to me, Lest, if You are silent to me, I become like those who go down to the pit. Blessed be the LORD, Because He has heard the voice of my supplications! The LORD is my strength and my shield; My heart trusted in Him, and I am helped; Therefore my heart greatly rejoices, And with my song I will praise Him. The LORD is their strength, And He is the saving refuge of His anointed. Save Your people, And bless Your inheritance; Shepherd them also, And bear them up forever.

Psalm 28: 1, 6-9

"Thank you Father that you hear our prayers, thank you that you are Israel's strength, thank you that you are the shield of Israel, we trust in You for You look after Your inheritance."

  1. Continue to pray for the building of the coalition

    Negotiations for forming the government are ongoing. Netanyahu has turned to Barak of the Labor Party. The last time that Netanyahu was in government he had a narrow right-wing coalition which in the end the pulled him down. This time around, Netanyahu is trying to build a larger coalition so that he will not be held hostage. The right-wing is ideologically pure and they do not understand or do not want to understand that politics is all about compromise and being wise. Netanyahu has turned to Labor again. Please continue to pray that Israel will have a government through which God can be glorified.

    • "Father we ask that You will break down the political agendas that these politicians have for the sake of this land. Break these political barriers and establish a government that will seek the good of Israel."
    • "We need a united government, help Netanyahu to stand for what is right, a government that would be pleasing to You, a government that can discern the dangers with Iran, with the economy, with the education, a government that is wise in Your ways and not in the ways of men."
    • "But I will gather the remnant of My flock out of all countries where I have driven them, and bring them back to their folds; and they shall be fruitful and increase. I will set up shepherds over them who will feed them; and they shall fear no more, nor be dismayed, nor shall they be lacking," says the LORD." Behold, the days are coming," says the LORD, "That I will raise to David a Branch of righteousness; a King shall reign and prosper, and execute judgment and righteousness in the earth. In His days Judah will be saved, and Israel will dwell safely; now this is His name by which He will be called: THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS."

      Jeremiah 23 3-6
    • "Please Father we ask you to give us a government that truly will care and feed your sheep Israel, a government that would rule in righteousness."
    • "Netanyahu seems to be giving away all positions to people outside Likud. We lift this terrible situation to You. Raise a standard for members of the Knesset (Israeli Parliament). We need leaders that put aside their own programs and think for this country."
  2. The Threat from Iran

    This is an ongoing problem; it is an existential problem to this country. Iran is continuing with the development of its nuclear weapons. We know that they have built rockets that can reach Israel easily with nuclear warheads. Their intention is to annihilate Israel. We will not loose heart, nor get weary, we will continue to pray for the Almighty to remove this threat. We are like long distance runners, we are in a marathon, and we will not give up.

    • "Abba the Iranians are threatening our very existence, Your people, the people You have made a covenant with, please Father deal with this threat. We must not sit quietly doing nothing, or wait until something horrendous happens before hitting them. We must strike before they do."
    • "Father we ask you to put the fear of God on Ahmadinejad and all those that would like to destroy Israel. We need 45 missiles (with conventional warheads) to deal with this threat and we do not know whether Israel has that many. Father we need divine inspiration for our Israeli defense personnel. Give them the information that they need to deal with this threat efficiently."
    • "Father we plead with you to open the eyes of the world so that they might see the reality and the danger that this threat represents."
  3. Reports of misconduct by the Israeli troops during the Gaza War

    The last couple of days there have been disturbing reports from Haretz (a very influential left wing newspaper) concerning Israeli soldiers and their conduct during the Gaza War. This information is coming from a group of soldiers which studied at a pre army academy run by an extreme left wing director. There are some people in our press who say Israel can do no good and the Palestinians can do no wrong. Some of them work for this paper. The Israeli army is definitely not perfect, but they are (in my opinion) the best army in the world ethically speaking. I believe that we need to know the truth whatever that might be. If there is indeed serious misconduct those that have committed it should be brought to justice. If these reports are false then they should be brought to light immediately.

    • "According to John 8:22, "you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free."Father there is truth and there are lies. We pray Father for the truth to be revealed in this situation. Reveal it quickly; shine your light on what has happened in Gaza. Father give discernment to the world, to the media, a hunger for the truth, we do not want lies to be propagated and spread."
    • "Father we know from previous experience that an accusation is given against Israel and often it is not true. However, by the time we find out that Israel had nothing to do with this, is too late. Nobody is interested in knowing the truth, or what really happened. We ask You Father that every false accusation will be revealed, and that justice will be done."
  4. The UN Durban 2 conference

    Some years ago there was a conference at Durban which was a UN human rights gathering. It was a massive attack upon Israel, whilst the ongoing slaughter of Sudan was not even mentioned. Israel was the monster. Now the UN human rights council is organizing a second conference Geneva for the same purpose. Israel, USA, Italy and Canada have refused to go. Australia is thinking of refusing too, Many European countries are considering also boycott this gathering. Anti-Semitism is a fire breathing dragon raising its head, and it is roaming the earth once again. This conference will be an opportunity to bash Israel and accuse it of despicable behavior whilst other nation's human rights violations are ignored.

    • Pray for the nations that are considering boycotting this conference. This has global ramifications for each nation as to whether they join this conference or not.
    • "Father some nations do everything to isolate and reject Israel. We pray for the nations that are thinking of boycotting the conference. Help them Father, give them the courage to say no. We pray that there would be other nations joining the few who have already said no to this wicked conference, a conference solely for the whole purpose of indicting Israel and condemning your people.
    • "Abba Anti-Semitism is a demonic principality. The nations need to wake up to this and stand up against it. We declare that we exist and we will exist."
  5. Education

    Education in this country used to be a priority. But it has fallen into bad times financially. Teachers are very poorly paid. Our present minister of education has been the worst that we have ever had. She has lowered the teaching of Zionism in the schools and increased the understanding of the Arab position. Our children do need to know the Arab position but not to the diminishing of Zionist thought. Netanyahu has appointed a new education minister which comes from the Likud, which is good news. However, the Ultra-Orthodox would like to have their own minister to run the Ultra Orthodox affairs, which is absolutely ridiculous, we are separating our people even further. The orthodox do not teach their children about math or sciences they just want their children to study Torah. It is true to say that the study of the Torah is important because it teaches us how to live, but not everything that we need for this life is found in the Torah. For example, you do not have in the Torah how to perform open heart surgery. We need to restore the proper priority of education in this land.

    • "Father we ask for the restoration of the priority of education in this land. We pray that the Orthodox demands for their own system of education will not steal the funds from the rest of the population."
    • "Father it says in Proverbs, Raise a child in the way that he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it. We ask that you will give parents recognition that they carry the responsibility for the education of their children as well as the school. Restore that sense of responsibility we ask, in Yeshua's name."
  6. Gilad Shalit

    This soldier has been captive for more than 1,000 days. This present government wanted to bring him back. But Hamas is demanding 1,000 prisoners in exchange, in their list there are 450 terrorists with blood on their hands. We know from experience that if these murderers are released there will be more Israeli blood shed. The press is pushing to bring him back whatever the cost. This would be wrong and irresponsible for the wellbeing of the Nation, because many of the murderers will just go back to terrorism and killing more people. We need to pray in three ways, first of all, we would like Gilad to come back to us but not through a massive release of murderers. We would like to see a miracle happen here, where God would supernaturally release him like He did with Paul when he was in prison. Secondly we pray, that the Lord reveal where Gilad is. This would enable the army to go and rescue him. And thirdly, that the Almighty would strengthen him and give him what he needs whilst in captivity. That God will reveal Himself to him and comfort his family.

    • "Father we ask that You would open the doors for Gilad to be able to walk out. You have done it before and You can do it again. "
    • "When he was captured we prayed for his salvation, Father come to him so that he is comforted. Father bring him out in Yeshua's name. We pray for a miracle to blind his captors, we pray for mercy in this situation."
  7. Pray for the body of Messiah

    • Anita and Guy have come back to the Land without any problems- thank you for your prayers.
    • We need to pray for the body of Messiah. In 2 Chronicles 7:14 it says, if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. Prayer is a process, we are asked to pray, it does not say about what, but just to pray, to join with Him in prayer, to have fellowship with him, the process is important. We need to pray for the leaders of this land.
    • "Thank you Father that there is a body of Messiah in this Land. This is the fruit of generations of intercessors which pleaded with You and have gone through this process of prayer for the body of Messiah. We pray for Your power to be manifest in Your body here in the Land."

Please remember that Chuck Cohen and Lance Lambert are both teaching at a conference in England this weekend.

Shabbat Shalom.

The IFI Team