Beautiful in elevation, the joy of the whole earth, is Mont Zion in the far north, the city of the great King.

Psalm 48:2

We give thanks that this is the city of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and that it is still undivided.

  1. Prayer for the government of Israel in the wake of President Obama's speech in Cairo. He stated categorically that settlements must stop being built. Nothing was mentioned about stopping Iran, and he even support Iran's quest for Nuclear Energy.

    We prayed:

    • For all of those sitting in seats of authority in Israel according to 1 Timothy 2.
    • That the hands of these leaders may be strengthen to do their work and that there voices may be strengthened to speak the truth about what is happening here.
    • That the leaders would not act out of panic or an emotion reaction to anything, but that they would be led through the wisdom of God to move (Ecclesiastes 7:19)
    • That He would draw the leaders to Himself and bring them into a personal relationship through Yeshua.
    • That they would turn to the Word of God and burn with zeal for what they read there about God's Land and His people. (Psalm 119:139)
    • That the spirit of Caleb would fall upon them; the spirit that longed to face giants so he could claim his inheritance. (Joshua 14:12)
  2. A prayer went up for the American administration. In his speech, President Obama equated the God of Israel with Allah. He also called the Koran a holy book. This is blasphemy of the true God of Creation. According to the new administration, the creation of Israel was founded upon the Holocaust and not the promise of the one true God to His people.

    It was prayed that:

    • there would be mercy upon this administration and that eyes would be opened to the one true God. (John 8:32)
    • the new US President would be set free from his delusions through the truth of God's Word.
    • Genesis 16:11 - the picture of Ishmael is as true today as it was then. Let the administration see that the true spirit of Islam will never rest from seeking to conquer.
    • we would see what is operating in and around Obama so that we can have better strategy for prayer.
  3. We prayed for the security of this small nation. The relationship between America and Israel is one of control and manipulation by the administration. This is more evidence that all nations are coming against Israel. God is the only one that can protect Israel against what is facing her.

    We prayed:

    • that the plans of the enemy be exposed to the light, whether the enemy be large or small. May Israel see the plans forming from a long way off. (Ephesians 5:13)
    • thanksgiving that we serve a God that neither slumbers nor sleeps. He is ever watchful. (Psalm 121:4)
    • that Israel would prepare so as to close any "chinks" in her defensive armor. We thanked the Lord for the nation wide drill that commenced last week and the awareness that came from it.
    • that intelligence officers and those behind enemy lines would be safe and hidden from sight.
    • Numbers 10:8-9 - talks about the sounding of the trumpet in the time of battle. As we hear the warning sirens, let this nation be reminded that she must take action. Let our dependence be on the Lord and not on other nations so that we can do what is necessary.
    • that the enemy would be scattered in thought, communication and action. We thanked the Lord that we see this manifested through the infighting within Fatah now. (Psalm 68:1)
  4. Iran has an election on the 12th of June that will be a crucial one. Even the most "moderate" candidate wants to see Iran get nuclear weapons.

    We prayed:

    • that the truth of the spirit behind Iran and it's nuclear program would be revealed. We prayed that people would not be deceived through who ever gets elected.
    • that the world would see that there is no compromise or peace with the Prince of Persia.
    • The Lord turned the plans of Haman against him, so we asked the Lord to turn all the plans that rise up against Israel to be turned back on those who plan them. (Esther 7:9-10)
    • that the world would have the eyes to see and the ears to hear when the truth is exposed. We also prayed that the Lord would anoint people in media to convey the truth of the story in Iran. (Isaiah 32:3)
    • that the strategy for dealing with Iran would be revealed to the military leaders in Israel. We prayed that the Lord would light a fire under them to act but also that they would have an understanding of correct timing.
    • Just as the Lord brought down Goliath through His boasting, we prayed that the Lord would bring down this Persian through his boasting. (1 Samuel 17:45-47)
  5. Yeshua told us to not be deceived by what we see and hear. We prayed for the Body around the world to be discerning and to not be persuaded by clever speech.

    We prayed:

    • that there would be true understanding of what Obama is saying. Let eyes and hearts be open to realize that by equating the God of Israel with Allah, he is blaspheming the name of God. (Isaiah 54:5)
    • that the spirit of grace and supplication would be on the Body to see through the words to the heart of the matter.
    • that the word written in the Book of Revelation to the 7 churches would take on life and help wake up the Body that false teaching cannot coexist with the Truth of God. Let the false teaching be purged from our midst.
    • that the light of His truth be focused inward so that truth may abound in us. (Luke 11:36)
    • that we would be able to discern false light from true light.
    • that the Body would be firmly founded upon the Rock (Matthew 7:25)
  6. We turn our prayers towards Aliyah. The weekly Torah reading in Numbers is when the children of Israel started towards the Land from Mount Sinai. The people started to think that life was better back in Egypt and that death awaited them in the Land. A recent poll said that Israel was the 4th most dangerous country to live in. This is again an attempt to draw thoughts towards fear away from what God is really doing here.

    We prayed:

    • that Jews around the world would realize that the Lord will protect His people in the Land and the blessing is not "back in Egypt".
    • that the attack leveled on the hearts of the Jewish people through this poll would be silenced. We prayed that the children of Israel would see that this is a blessed and safe Land.
    • that the Jewish people would be free from the delusion that life is better wherever they are. (Numbers 14:6-9)
    • that the Lord would remove the bureaucracy from before the Jewish people that would make Aliyah difficult.
    • that the Land would truly be seen as a promise of God. (Ezekiel 37:21-22)
    • that the stones of stumbling be removed from the Messianic Jews making Aliyah and that all the excuses would be taken away.
    • that the young Jews on these Birthright trips would be consumed with a desire to make Aliyah. We prayed that the younger generation would lead the charge to make Aliyah.

We ended with a proclamation from Nehemiah 2:18-20 to all those who would seek to divide this Nation:

And I told them of the hand of my God which had been good upon me, and also of the king's words that he had spoken to me.

So they said, Let us rise up and build. Then they set their hands to this good work.

But when Sanballat the Horonite, Tobiah the Ammonite official, and Geshem the Arab heard of it, they laughed at us and despised us, and said, What is this thing that you are doing? Will you rebel against the king?

So I answered them, and said to them, The God of heaven Himself will prosper us; therefore we His servants will arise and build, but you have no heritage or right or memorial in Jerusalem.