O LORD, you have searched me, and known me. You know my sitting and my rising, you understand my thought afar off. You compass my path and my lying down, and are acquainted with all my ways. For there is not a word in my tongue, but, lo, O LORD, you know it altogether. You have beset me behind and before, and laid your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain unto it. Where shall I go from your spirit? or where shall I flee from your presence? If I ascend up into heaven, you are there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, you are there. If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea; Even there shall your hand lead me, and your right hand shall hold me. If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night shall be light about me. Yea, the darkness hides not from you; but the night shines as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to thee. For you have possessed my reins: you have covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise you; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are your works; and that my soul knows well.

Psalm 139:1-14
  1. President Obama's chief of staff Rahm Emmanuel is visiting Israel. Up until now, he has not shown himself to be friendly toward Israel. It was reported this past week that when he went to the Western Wall to pray, he had tears in his eyes. Whether this is true or not, we want to lift up this man of influence to the Lord and ask for Him to touch Obama's right hand man. He is an Israeli-American and the son of a man who fought for Israel.

    • Lord, deposit something of Yourself in his spirit so that there can be a change in his heart towards Israel.

    • Bring him to place of revelation about how hostile Obama's policies have been.

    • Please show Rahm the reality of what his father fought for.

    • Open his eyes in the same way that You opened Paul's eyes on the road to Damascus.

    • Lord, open Rahm's eyes to the danger posed by a nuclear Iran and allow him to convey that to the US Administration.

    • Lord shake him from his deepest parts that remain Jewish no matter where he goes or what he does.

    • Allow Rahm to see this nation as his true home.

    • Set him free from the Humanism and Left-wing thinking that has pushed him to bring evil counsel to the White House.

  2. There is a flotilla of ships on its way to Israel from Turkey which hopes to run the Israeli blockade of Gaza. The ships are full of people who hate Israel and who want to show their support for Hamas. Israel has said they will stop this group of boats but there is real potential for a PR disaster for this country. On the other hand, allowing the boats to land would signal our neighbors that Israel is weak.

    • Hedge in the flotilla and cause all the boats to be boarded by the Israeli Navy.

    • Give wisdom to the Navy to know what to do and how to do it-  let them not act impulsively, but with true discernment.

    • Lord, use the weather to affect the purpose of the flotilla

    • Bring a storm to the Mediterranean so that they would turn back or ask Israel for help - let wind rise and howl so that they know the Fear of the Lord.

    • Let the right message come forth from the Israeli government in response to this illegal attempt to land in Gaza - break through with a solid message from sharp people who speak for Israel

    • Let the government finally see Turkey as an enemy for allowing this flotilla to depart from its shores.

    • Expose whatever is truly happening with these ships. If there are weapons onboard, let them be discovered and revealed to the reporters who wait to report on the situation.

    • Thus says the LORD, which gives the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divides the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is His name.

      Jeremiah 31:35
  3. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been invited to the US for a "proper" visit. The last time Netanyahu was in the states he was treated shamefully by the Obama Administration. This time he is supposed to receive all the courtesies due a head of state. The Israeli Prime Minister is in need of heavy prayer so that he is not taken by surprise and so that he will be able to stand firm.

    • Lord lift up Netanyahu's hands that are weary and meet intimately with him.

    • Father, speak clearly to him and give the PM an anointing for his meeting with President Obama - may he have a backbone of steel!

    • Give him the message that you want him to bring to the United States - Lord, don't allow Netanyahu to leave the States until you have used him to bring forth your Word.

    • The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: he turns it where so ever he will.

      Proverbs 21:1
    • Give him strength to stand under the pressure that will come at him from all sides AND give him the strength to push back.

    • Israel has always been on the defense when it comes to PR worldwide, but Lord give Netanyahu a "spirit of advance" so that the US would be put on the defense.

    • Let those who are on Israel's side in the States stand and be counted while he is there.

    • Expose the "spin" that will come against Israel to be the LIES that they are.

  4. It is vital that Netanyahu be able to give a picture of how dangerous Iran is. Until now, the only one who has been consistently warning the world has been Israel.

    • Allow Netanyahu to be able to articulate clearly the Iranian threat.

    • When ever Obama brings up the Palestinian issue, move the PM to bring the conversation back to the Iranian threat.

    • While Netanyahu is in the States, allow new intelligence about Iran to come out - let the danger of Iran be seen clearly.

    • Allow the PM to see the true motives Obama has toward the Iranian problem - let this show Netanyahu the need for Israel's commitment to address the problem ourselves.

  5. This past week, Israel had internal security drills all across the country. Sirens went off all over Israel and people were asked to respond. The actual response to the drills was very apathetic. The question of "Is this country ready for attack?" was clearly answered with an emphatic "No". Israel must get herself ready for what will come soon.

    • Lord, prepare us so that we might not be surprised by our enemies.

    • Teach us the difference of being prudent through alertness and living in fear.

    • Lord, don't allow the people of Israel to live in denial of reality.

    • Let us not be like the ostrich with its head stuck in the sand.

    • Show us that we all have to be ready and not just the IDF or the government.

    • Expose the lies of humanism that say there is no way anyone would attack us in the ways they are threatening.

    • Help us as a nation to depend on You as the Protector.

  6. The Body in Israel, as with the rest of the world, is in need of real prayer. There needs to be true unity present and not some false ecumenical nonsense. One of the foundational pieces of greater unity is unity through the sanctity of marriage.

    • May we be brought together around the understanding that the marriage relationship is vital to Your greater plan of redemption.

    • Show us how we can address the constant attack of the enemy against Godly families.

    • Deliver us from the worldly attitude that marriage is a matter of convenience.

    • Lord, please go to war on behalf of those families who are struggling and who are under attack.

  7. There needs to be more of an urgency in the heart of the Body of Yeshua for the salvation of Israel. It is understood as a good principle of the Word, but that principle needs to be put into action.

    • Motivate the Body to action and let us come out from our passive comfort zones.

    • Show us again how crucial the Salvation of Israel is to Your eternal purpose.

    • Help us all to reach our more to the neighbors around us.

Blessings to you all from the team here at IFI!