1. It is a very clear morning in Jerusalem, and from the IFI office on top of one of Jerusalem's highest buildings, we can see all of the mountains surrounding this city.

    • As the mountains are all around Jerusalem, so YHWH is all around His people from this time and forever.

      Psalms 125:2
    • Thank You for surrounding Your people - always.

    • We bless You and trust You for Your divine protection in these days (Jeremiah 31:10).

    • We are very grateful that You are so dependable. For I am YHWH, I change not. Because of this you sons of Jacob are not destroyed. (Malachi 3:6)

    • Hallelujah! All of Your paths are mercy and truth to us (Psalm 25:10).

    • What a comfort to know that not only do You know the future, but You have revealed some of it in Your Word so that when these things happen, we can know our redemption is near (Luke 21:28).

  2. There will soon be elections for a new Israeli President. The president's responsibilities are that after general elections, he chooses whom to ask to form the next government, and he has the power to pardon prisoners. Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu wants the presidential system changed. With our current president, Shimon Peres, we do not blame him, as Peres has too often gone way beyond his mandate and interfered in politics. The president is elected by secret Knesset [Parliament] ballot.

    • Lord Yeshua, we confess that You are the King of Israel and ultimately You rule! For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given; and the government shall be on His shoulder; and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, Almighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. There is no end of the increase of His government and peace on David's throne, and on His kingdom, to order it and establish it with judgment and justice from now on, even forever. (Isaiah 9:6-7a)

    • As the hearts of human kings are in Your hands (Proverbs 21:1), we ask You to bend the hearts/wills of the Knesset members to elect the person of Your choice.

    • Whoever it is, may he help Proverbs 14:34 become more of a reality in Israel today: Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a shame to any people.

    • We plead for a person of integrity (Proverbs 11:3).

    • We look to You to raise up Your perfect choice: For promotion comes neither from the east…the west, nor the south. But God is the judge; He puts down one and sets up another. (Psalms 75:6-7)

    • Give Israel a president who can work with and support PM Netanyahu.

    • Give Israel a president who will not pardon terrorists, hardened criminals, or ex-PM Olmert.

    • Abba, have mercy on Israel and muzzle Peres' mouth in his final days in office and after he leaves.

    • Lord, give Bibi wisdom and courage from on high on how to lead this nation at this time.

    • We bless You for Netanyahu and bless him in the name of his Messiah Yeshua.

  3. May 14th, Israeli Independence day on the Gregorian calendar, is called Nakba ['catastrophe'] day among the Palestinians and even some Israeli Arabs. There have been demonstrations with two Palestinians killed by the IDF in life-threatening riots yesterday.

    • Lord, we pray for Jerusalem's peace this very day (Psalm 122:6).

    • Enable the security forces to hinder all acts of terrorism before they are even started.

    • Abba, stop all Nakba 'celebrations' from taking place among Israelis - whether Jewish or Arab.

    • Thank You for the Israeli Christians citizens who want to become more involved with this nation in a very positive manner - such as joining the IDF (Jeremiah 12:16).

    • For those Israeli Christians who are Christian in name only, as they bless Your people, bless them with salvation. I will bless them that bless you… (Genesis 12:3a)

    • God, be the One who determines the limits of 'free speech' in this - Your nation (Proverbs 18:21).

  4. We prayed into our God-given burden concerning the Iranian nuclear weapons program. Both groups Iran is currently negotiating with, the P5+1 and the UN's IAEA, are being very cautious about whether any kind of agreement can even be reached - yet sanctions have been loosened and Iran's economy is growing. Meanwhile, this past week, Iranian Supreme Leader, the Ayatollah Khamenei, ordered Iran's military to mass-produce ICBMs - long range missiles that are only used to deliver nuclear weapons to enemy nations.

    • Lord, may the P5+1 and the IAEA hear what Khamenei has just said and believe him!

    • Thank You for answering our prayers on exposing the wolf-nature of this current Iranian regime.

    • Abba, we remind You of Your prophetic word: I will set My throne in Elam [ancient Iran/Persia], and will destroy the king and the rulers from there, says YHWH. (Jeremiah 49:38) So we ask You to save multitudes of Iranians and bring down their current wicked rulers.

    • You who have moved the earth in times past, move it mightily under all of Iran's nuclear facilities, swallowing them whole, and bringing the fear of Israel's God upon many in the Middle East.

    • In my distress I called on YHWH, and I cried to my God; He heard my voice out of His temple. My cry came before Him…Then the earth shook and trembled; and the foundations of the hills moved and were shaken, because He was angry.

      Psalms 18:6-7
    • Hear the arrogant words of Iran's leaders and remember Your word: Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. (Proverbs 16:18)

    • Prepare Israel to deal with this threat - as it is obvious that at this stage the West wants to believe that the Iranians are serious about reaching a compromise.

    • Lord, raise up a Churchill for this hour - someone who can sound the warning and rally the people.

    • Abba, make Bibi a Churchill-type statesman for this nation at this time.

    • If Israel is to be Your weapon of war (Jeremiah 51:20), provide all it will need to do the job swiftly, with overwhelming success, and with You receiving all the glory.

    • Bring Israel's security cabinet into one accord over this issue (Judges 20:11; Psalm 133:1).

    • Concerning this issue - as with all issues we pray into - Yeshua, continue to teach us how to pray (Luke 11:1).

  5. We prayed next about Israel's security on its borders - including the Mediterranean Sea.

    • Lord, we thank You for Your continued protection of this nation (Psalm 121:4; Jeremiah 31:10).

    • Impart to Israel's navy all the wisdom, courage, equipment, etc., it needs to do its task.

    • We thank You for the excellent information gathering ability of the IDF.

    • Lord of hosts, give Your wisdom to the IDF to know what to do with all that information.

    • We trust that what Elisha said in days gone by is still true today: Do not fear, for those with us are more than those with them. Elisha prayed…YHWH, open his eyes so that he may see. And YHWH opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw, and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha. (2 Kings 6:16-17)

    • Reveal all weak areas in the IDF's defense of Israel, and give wisdom on how to strengthen them.

    • Provide all the finances that the IDF needs, yet cut out all extraneous waste from Israel's army.

    • Protect Israeli soldiers and citizens from kidnapping, snipers, friendly fire accidents, etc.

  6. Before the end of May, Israel is to close a deal with Turkey over the Mavi-Marmara affair - when Israeli Special Forces killed Turkish terrorists to protect their lives and the integrity of this nation. US President Obama pressed Bibi to call Turkish leader Erdogan and apologize for something that does not deserve an apology. Now Israel is preparing to pay the families of these dead terrorists to repair the damage done to its relationship with Turkey. Yet Erdogan is anti-Semitic, anti-Israel, and a fanatical Muslim who has moved his nation away from the West and from being a secular society.

    • Abba, this is a shameful deal and Israel should have no part of it (Psalm 42:10).

    • For Your glory, please stop it (Psalm 115:1-3).

    • Protect the honor of the Special Forces who laid their lives on the line.

    • Expose whatever pressures are on Bibi to go through with this deal.

    • Give Netanyahu backbone in this situation and do not let him agree with this (Psalm 80:17).

    • As Erdogan continually curses Your people and nation, curse all his efforts to raise himself up (Genesis 12:3a).

    • Remove his scepter of authority and have mercy on Turkey by raising up a man of integrity to lead that nation.

    • Thank You for the reports of You are reaping a harvest of souls in Turkey. More Lord!

    • Raise up many believers in the Turkish Body of Messiah to stand in the gap and bless Israel and to intercede for their nation (Ezekiel 22:30-31).

  7. Ex-PM Ehud Olmert was sentenced to six years in jail for bribery and corruption during his time in public office. Many of his cohorts were also given jail time. This is a victory for justice and righteousness, yet his lawyers are trying to get him a reduced sentence.

    • Lord, thank You for this righteous judgment, and for the righteous judge who gave it.

    • Protect him and his family and raise him up to be more influential in this area of Israel's life.

    • YHWH is our judge, YHWH is our lawgiver, YHWH is our king; He will save us.

      Isaiah 33:22
    • May this verdict put the fear of God into all of Israel's politicians (Proverbs 1:7).

    • We pray that Israeli society more and more lines up with this decree from Your law: You shall do no unrighteousness in judgment. You shall not respect the person of the poor, nor honor the person of the mighty; but you shall judge your neighbor in righteousness. (Leviticus 19:15)

  8. This week, the Anti-Defamation League published a major global survey of over 50,000 people in over 100 nations. The results indicate that better than 25% of those surveyed, are 'infected' with anti-Semitism! Of course, this is then extrapolated to include the rest of the world's people. Anti-Semitism, a major global principality, is not something we can deal with in the spirit-realm over the world, although we can take a stand against it in our lives, homes, communities and especially our churches. Worldwide, it will be around until Messiah returns. Still we can ask God to use it for His purposes - for aliyah [the immigration to Israel of Jews in exile] and as a wake-up call to the Church.

    • Thank You for exposing the extent of this evil principality.

    • Wake up Jews in exile to see the clear handwriting on the walls of almost all their nations.

    • We bless You for an increase of Jews making aliyah from the West. Thus says YHWH of Hosts: Behold, I will save My people from the east country, and from the west. I will bring them, and they shall dwell in the midst of Jerusalem, and they shall be My people, and I will be their God, in truth and in righteousness. (Zechariah 8:7-8)

    • Lord, we specifically ask for the Jews in Ukraine to be able to flee during this season (Isaiah 43:5-7).

    • May the Jews in France and the rest of Europe recognize the danger signs and come home.

    • Wake-up the Church to help even more in the return of Your people (Isaiah 49:22).

    • Open the eyes of believers to see that You said You would do this - not for Israel's sake, but for Your holy name's sake (Ezekiel 36:23-24).

    • Use this report to turn around many well-meaning Jews who are spending time, effort and money to help re-establish Jewish communities in exile.

    • May all that effort and finances go towards carrying Your people back home.

  9. Several prayer conferences will be taking place in the next few months. A conference in northern Sweden is being held by friends of this ministry. At the end of this month in Germany [IFI-Germany] and at the beginning of June in Scotland, there are two Intercessors for Israel prayer conferences. Please pray that we would all hit the target/s that God has in mind for each of these times of intensive teaching and prayer.

Shabbat shalom and blessings from the IFI team in Zion