1. Praise the Lord, all you Gentiles! Laud Him, all you peoples! For His merciful kindness is great toward us, And the truth of the Lord endures forever. Praise the Lord!

    Psalm 117
    • To You, o Lord, be all honor, all glory, and all blessing! (Revelation 5:12)

    • Thank You, for being who You truly are!

    • You are the Rock (2 Samuel 22:2). You are unchangeable and a sure foundation. (Isaiah 28:16)

    • Our hope is in You. (Psalm 33:22)

    • Your word is settled in heaven.

      Psalm 119:89
    • You are King of Kings and Lord of Lords and You are our loving Father. (Revelation 19:16)

    • Worthy, worthy, worthy is the Lamb! For He is glorious and worthy to be praised, the Lamb upon the throne!

  2. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem! (Psalm 122:6)

    Recent months have seen an escalation and intensification of violence in certain parts of Jerusalem. There have been many incidents of Arabs throwing rocks around the Temple Mount area, directed against the light railway and in other places. This week a baby was killed and several other people were injured in a terror attack in the city. It seems that the world doesn't expect anyone to have to account for their lawless actions. We need to pray for wise, firm action from the security services.

    • Lord give wisdom to the leaders of the police, the Shabak (Israel Security Service) and where necessary, also the army to be proactive to prevent violence rather than simply reacting when violence occurs.

    • Let good accurate information be provided to the security services.

    • Expose the instigators, the ringleaders, the planners of this violence which is clearly coordinated and not a purely spontaneous uprising.

    • Let peace-loving Arabs be willing to speak up against the violence in their communities and bless those who do so.

    • Pour out honesty into the media. Provoke them to report accurately and truthfully. When media presence is a catalyst for violent actions, give the media the grace and wisdom to keep away.

    • Restore Your peace in Your city, especially today (Friday is "mosque day") around the Temple Mount and the Western Wall.

  3. UN Security Council

    There is much expectation focused on a likely application to the UN Security Council for the recognition of a state of Palestine. Therefore there is plenty of attention given to those 15 nations which form the Security Council. Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan is a professing Christian and he is coming to Israel to pray at the Western Wall for re-election to the presidency.

    • Lord, please speak clearly to President Jonathan during his visit to Israel and direct him how to rule Nigeria.

    • Reveal to him that those who bless Israel will be blessed and those who curse Israel will be cursed. (Genesis 12:3) Let him understand that supporting the creation of another nation upon God's land would be cursing Israel.

    • Let him commit himself to opposing any attempt to create a Palestinian state on God's land.

    • Bless President Jonathan and grant him divine appointments while he is in Israel, with Israeli leaders and others.

    • Please God, ensure that this Palestinian application will be rejected even by a veto from one of the Permanent Members, unless this is absolutely Your time for such a fulfillment of the nations coming against Jerusalem. (Zechariah 12-14)

  4. Israel's Cabinet

    It is becoming increasingly difficult to hold the present coalition government together. Leaders of the parties forming the government are not willing to give public support to the decisions reached within the Cabinet but seek to score political points by speaking out their disagreements with Prime Minister Netanyahu and with government policy. If an early General Election was called Netanyahu is likely to be strengthened while other leaders would be weakened (according to opinion polls). Pray:

    • Give wisdom to Binyamin Netanyahu to know how to handle his unruly coalition partners.

    • Bring Netanyahu into alignment with Your plans and bring the other leaders into alignment with Netanyahu. (Proverbs 21:1)

    • Put Your hand upon Naftali Bennett, Yair Lapid, Avigdor Lieberman and Tzippi Livni and make them of one mind with Binyamin Netanyahu. (Psalm 68:27)

    • Help them to see that this culture of irresponsibility brings shame and disrepute upon the nation.

    • May Netanyahu have discernment to listen to good advice in this situation and to know which way ahead is best for Israel.

    • Guard Netanyahu from back-stabbing.

  5. Innocent people suffering in neighboring Middle East nations

    Horrific events are taking place in Syria, Iraq, Kurdish areas and elsewhere in the Middle East. Let's cry out for God's mercy and for the nations to take seriously these horrors.

    • Lord, have mercy on those caught up in these terrible events in their countries. Please intervene to protect the innocent ones!

    • Give true compassion to world leaders that they may see what is happening and act boldly.

    • Make ways of escape for the refugees and expose those who are hiding among the refugees but are intent on terror.

    • Put words of hope on the lips of believers and speak through them to those without hope. (Psalm 130:5)

    • Send angels to camp around the believers who are danger, to minister to them and to lead them to places of refuge. (Psalm 34:7)

  6. US mid-term elections

    We recognize that while our mandate is to pray for Israel, we need to pray for these elections also for their potential for huge impact on American policy toward Israel. Pray:

    • May friends of Israel be elected to the Senate and to the House so that Congress can hold back the policies of the President toward Israel which are against God's will.

    • Please give America a Congress which will stand up to Obama and hedge him in when he is acting outside Your will.

    • Raise up, call out and release moral members of Congress who will call evil evil.

    • Speak to pastors and other leaders and individuals within the Church who will recognize the importance of these elections and call people to prayer.

    • Reveal to believers their God-given responsibility to pray and the authority You have given them as they pray.

    • Reveal to believers who have never understood that they need to submit their voting behavior to Your will in their lives.

  7. Iran

    The P5+1 and Iranian negotiators are due to reach agreement by 24th November regarding Iran's nuclear program and on international sanctions against Iran. As these negotiations have progressed the demands of the P5+1 have softened and dropped while Iran seems to have conceded almost nothing. Clearly the negotiating teams and the nations they represent want agreement at any cost. Israel's leaders seem to be alone and unheeded in their constant reminders that "no deal is better than a bad deal". As we seem to be heading toward a bad deal, pray:

    • Lord, raise up at least one nation from the P5+1 who will be willing to say no to a bad deal.

    • Somehow Lord, turn over the tables in these negotiations. (John 2:15)

    • Send earthquakes to swallow up Iran's nuclear reactors.

    • The P5+1 nations clearly desire the economic benefits which would result from ending sanctions against Iran. Expose this self-interest.

    • Harden the hearts of the Iranian negotiators so they will not be willing to accept even the deal offered to them but would be greedy for even more.

    • Do not allow another extension of the deadline for agreement but let tight sanctions be restored.

  8. Aliyah

    The numbers of Jewish people immigrating to Israel were substantially up during the (Hebrew calendar) year just finished. Those of us living in Jerusalem are aware of French being spoken more and more on the buses, in the streets, in restaurants, etc. While many are recognizing that they no longer have a future in the nations we need to pray that there would continue to be fishers sent out to encourage Jews to choose to return to Israel. (Jeremiah 16:16)

    • Thank You Lord that You are keeping Your word and You are bringing Your people home.

    • Change the mind set of Jews in the nations so making Aliyah will become an acceptable alternative to remaining in exile.

    • Continue to send out fishermen.

    • Expose the deception whereby Your people run to any nation other than Israel - moving to Germany or Australia rather than coming back to their only true home.

    • Help Israel to prepare for the coming Aliyah by building more affordable housing ready for those who will come.

    • Let a godly "gatekeeper" be appointed as the new Minister of Interior in Israel.

  9. Messianic Body

    • Meet with us this weekend. Let there be sound teaching from Your word so that Your body may grow in spirit and truth and strength, walking closer to Your plans and purposes. (2 Thessalonians 2:13)

    • Be glorified in Your body! (1 Peter 4:11)

    • Bring Your refreshing to those who are tired or discouraged.

    • Raise up Your people to take the place You have appointed us to in Israel, recognizing the responsibility we have to pray and the authority You give us as we pray according to Your will.

This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.

Psalm 118:24