There will be no prayer meeting this Friday as in Israel it is the final day of the Feast of Passover/ Unleavened Bread [Matzah] and that means no public transportation. Yet we wanted to send out a brief summary of things to keep in prayer before the Lord. We are also sending you a link to short video interview that one of our directors, Chuck Cohen, did with the director of IFI Germany, when Chuck was recently ministering there. The video is in English and German. [See the end of this alert.]

  1. This coming Thursday is Yom Hashoah - Holocaust Day - in Israel. This can be a very difficult time for the survivors still with us as it tends to drudge up some very terrible memories. Yet the prophetic portion for this Shabbat is Ezekiel's valley of the 'dry bones' vision. Coming up out of their graves to return to Israel is a very powerful picture of the Holocaust and the restoration of this nation right after it.

    • Ask God to encourage survivors through this section of scripture, as after it was all said and done, He has made us an exceedingly great army (Ezekiel 37:10).

    • Pray for all the survivors in Israel to be comforted in Zion (Isaiah 40:1-2).

    • Ask the Lord Yeshua to reveal Himself to them (Jeremiah 31:7).

    • Thank Him for the many survivors who - against all odds - have come into the kingdom of God's Son.

    • Plead with God to bring all remaining survivors in exile home to Israel (Ezekiel 39:28).

    • Let's agree before His throne that the next government will understand that more needs to be done to provide for these precious people as they go through the final stage of their life on earth.

    • Please include prayers for salvation and comfort to the victims and survivors of terrorist attacks also.

  2. The next item for prayer is for the next government. Coalition negotiations have slowed down over the Passover season. By Sunday, all the 'fun' of trying to put together a workable government will start up again, and PM Bibi Netanyahu and his Likud team of negotiators will need the wisdom of Solomon to know how to put that together.

    • Remember, our goal is for Israel to have a government through whom God can be glorified, so let's make that the foundation of all our prayers (Psalm 115:1-3).

    • Ask God to use the current chaotic situation surrounding Israel in the Middle East to humble potential coalition partners, and let them see the need to think of the nation first - and their political expectations a distant second (Psalm 131:1-3).

    • The following parties should be included in the coalition, yet they must make their 'demands' reasonable - so we need to ask God for another miracle, like we asked and received when Bibi and Likud surprised everyone and won the elections in an overwhelming manner: Moshe Khalon and his Kulanu party; Naftali Bennett and Jewish Home; Avigdor Lieberman and Yisrael Beitaynu.

    • While the 'demands' of the two ultra-Orthodox parties have been reasonable, yet let's ask God to keep Shas' leader - Arye Deri - out of the Interior ministry, if not completely out of the government.

    • It would be a major miracle if Yair Lapid humbled himself and straightened things out with Bibi, so that he and his Yesh Atid party could join the coalition, making the including of Shas not a necessity.

  3. The P5+1 Iranian framework agreement is beginning to come apart at the seams - as no one seems to know exactly what was agreed on and who said what. And that could very easily be an answer to our intercessions. Still we will not know the final outcome until June 30th.

    • Ask God to continue to mess up these negotiations that will leave Iran a short step from developing a weapon of mass destruction.

    • Let's bless and thank God that Netanyahu and others in the Israeli government today - including in the opposition Labor party - are still speaking out against this covenant with death and agreement with hell (Isaiah 28:15, 18).

    • Ask Him to use the opposition that Obama & Co. are getting in America to overturn this deal.

    • We bless God that He is allowing the arrogance of the Iranian leadership to brag about their expectations once a deal is finalized, and that these expectations in no way line up with what the P5+1 powers thought they were agreeing to (Proverbs 16:18).

    • Continue to intercede for Israel's next government to know exactly what to do in case a final deal - that leaves Iran as a nuclear threshold state - is signed (1 Chronicles 12:32).

    • Intercede with the Captain of heaven's hosts to impart His war-tactics to Bibi, Defense Minister Ya'alon and the IDF Chief of Staff Eisenkot - just like He did with Joshua before Jericho (Joshua 5:13-6:5).

    • If Israel will eventually need to deal with this existential threat militarily, plead with Him to make the victory so miraculous that many ME Muslims come to fear and know Israel's King (Joshua 5:1).

  4. Israel's internal security needs prayer covering as Palestinian terrorists are beginning to come out of the closet and attack soldiers and civilians.

  5. Israel's external security also needs prayer - even though some of us see the chaotic situation in the surrounding nations, with Israel's enemies fighting one another, as another answer to prayer.

    • I am especially thinking of how often we have prayed Psalm 129:5 on those who hate Zion - that God would confound them all.

    • We have also prayed, Fill their faces with shame, that they may seek Your name, O YHWH. Let them be ashamed and troubled forever; yes, let them be put to shame, and perish, so that men may know that You, who name is YHWH, that You alone are the Most High over all the earth. (Psalms 83:16-18)

    • Israel's northern border is a major security concern - with Iran's proxy Hizbullah having a huge stockpile of rockets all aimed at the Jewish State. Yet Syria could be Hizbullah's downfall. Let's ask God to deal with them as He did with Haman, and hang this terrorist group on the gallows they have prepared for the Jews - yet to have mercy and save as many of the people in it as possible (Esther 7:10; 8:17).

  6. Aliyah always needs prayer. As we see an increase of anti-Semitism, the Jews in exile need to take to heart what they have just declared at the end of the Passover meal: Next year in Jerusalem.

  7. Much of the Church in the West, having been deceived by Replacement Theology, has opened the door for anti-Semitic and other demonic spirits. Part of Intercessors for Israel's ministry is to provide teaching so that Christians understand why it is vital to stand with what God is doing in Israel in these days. That was the essence of what Chuck and Heinz-Jurgen talked about in this video. May the Lord use it to both build you up and provide you with further 'ammunition' as you share this message with others.

Shabbat shalom and richest blessings in Messiah Yeshua

The IFI team