A Psalm of David. The earth is the LORD's, and all its fullness, the world and those who dwell therein. For He has founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the waters. Who may ascend into the hill of the LORD? Or who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who has not lifted up his soul to an idol, nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive blessing from the LORD, and righteousness from the God of his salvation. This is Jacob, the generation of those who seek Him, who seek Your face. Selah. Lift up your heads, O you gates! And be lifted up, you everlasting doors! And the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O you gates! Lift up, you everlasting doors! And the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The LORD of hosts, He is the King of glory. Selah

Psalm 24 NKJV
  1. Thanksgiving

    We gave thanks for the rain which has fallen in Israel in recent day causing floods in some parts of the country. Sadly the flooding is a result of inadequate drainage and storage of water rather than Israel's water shortage being over. We thank and praise God that He is on His throne; His kingdom is forever; He is the King of kings.

  2. Iranian Threat

    1. Amid abundant reports in the media of a possible attack on Iran we spent much of our prayer time focusing upon Iran and the threat to Israel. The American Defense Secretary Leon Panetta recently declared that a military conflict with Iran would ruin the economy. While there might be damaging effects resulting from a military conflict, the world's leaders also need to recognize the likely economic and other consequences of failing to attack Iran and prevent them becoming a nuclear power. Also they need to know what is more important if it's a choice between allowing Iran to destroy Israel and enduring some economic hardship. Pray:

      • for Israel's leaders to know how to act and the right time to act.

        Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.

        1 Timothy 2:1-4 NKJV
      • That they, like King David, would know God's exact strategy and tactics.

      • For the courage for Israel to go it alone if necessary in a military attack on Iran.

      • For our leaders to retain perspective; that they would not be so focused on Iran that they would lose sight of other dangers.

      • For unity in decision-making and in action.

      • That any action taken by Israel would be successful, effective and complete.

    2. Israel's Defense Minister Ehud Barak stated in a recent interview that he would probably seek nuclear weapons if he were Iran. Pray:

      • for Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu to know if this is the time to remove Barak from this post.

      • If it is time for a new Defense Minister, that the right replacement would be found - someone qualified and willing to serve the nation, not seeking for personal gain and able to work well with Netanyahu and IDF Chief of Staff Benny Gantz.

      • That Barak would learn to hold his tongue.

        Set a guard, O LORD, over (his) mouth; Keep watch over the door of (his) lips. Do not incline (his) heart to any evil thing, to practice wicked works with men who work iniquity; And do not let (him) eat of their delicacies.

        re-wording of Psalm 141: 3-4
      • That God would protect Israel from the adverse effects of Barak's words.

      • Give world leaders wisdom regarding their preparations to respond to the Iranian threat.

      • Let them consider the consequences of not attacking Iran as well as the consequences of attacking.

      • God, raise up people who will see, think and speak clearly.

      • Give them military strategies for keeping the Persian Gulf open to international traffic.

    3. We prayed too for the continued "hidden war" - ways to undermine or delay Iran's nuclear programme. Whether or not a huge explosion last week at a nuclear facility in Iran was the result of sabotage we continued to pray that the Lord would use such events for His purposes:

      • Pray that Israel would continue to develop ways to use technology to disrupt Iran's computer systems and that such "scientific attacks" would be a form of "non-intrusive surgery" to remove the evil of Iran's nuclear programme.

      • Pray for success for Israel's spies in Iran.

      • Pray that God would use those ways to undermine Iran's plans which will show Israel, Iran and the nations that it was He who did it.

      • May Iran's nuclear warheads be swallowed up by the earth!

      • Lord, judge those who despise Israel!

        Thus says the Lord GOD: When I have gathered the house of Israel from the peoples among whom they are scattered, and am hallowed in them in the sight of the Gentiles, then they will dwell in their own land which I gave to My servant Jacob. And they will dwell safely there, build houses, and plant vineyards; yes, they will dwell securely, when I execute judgments on all those around them who despise them. Then they shall know that I am the LORD their God.

        Ezekiel 28:25-26 NKJV
    4. Iranian pastor Youcef Nadarkhani remains under sentence of death in Iran on account of having converted from Islam to faith in Jesus.

      • Pray for Youcef to be released.

      • Pray for his family and his church to be strengthened and emboldened by the persecution.

      • May he and his family know the peace which passes all understanding (Philippians 4:7).

      • May the light of Jesus in Youcef's life confront his captors with Your reality (like the Philippian jailer in Acts 16).

      • Show Your love and Your faithfulness, O Lord!

      • We thank You, Lord for the believers in Iran. Make them voices for the truth. Give them boldness, courage and clarity both as they proclaim the gospel and as they stand up in opposition to the evil regime.

      • Continue this spiritual awakening in Iran. May many Iranians come to know you through dreams and visions and may they also see clearly that Yeshua is the King of the Jews!

  3. Gaza

    Rockets continue to be fired into Israel from Gaza. IDF Chief of Staff Benny Gantz recently advised that another invasion of Gaza might soon be necessary and that this would need to be quick and decisive. Pray:

    • thanks for the boldness of Gantz' warning.

    • That the government would know what to do, when and how.

    • For Israeli intelligence to know who the key Hamas leaders are and where they are.

    • For the government and military to be willing to attack them.

    • For Israel to free the people of Gaza from the evil of Hamas.

    • For and end to the terrorism coming out of Gaza.

    • Protect and embolden the believers in Gaza! May Your word be proclaimed in power!

  4. The Jewish Agency

    The Jewish Agency was established to promote aliyah and building up the land of Israel. Recent changes have shifted the priorities with more of an emphasis on Jewish education to encourage Jewish identity in the diaspora. Recently there was a lack of $2 million in funding needed to bring some 900 young Russian Jews back to Israel which exposed this priority shift. Pray:

    • that the needed money would be found quickly.

    • That the Jewish Agency would have its focus shifted back onto aliyah and building up the land.

    • Correct the Jewish Agency and its Chairman, Natan Sharansky, so that they would be willing to stand up to the pressure from rich donors who are seeking to strengthen the Jewish community in exile rather than back in the land of Israel.

    • Lord, you used Sharansky to release a million Jews from the former Soviet Union. Use him again to release millions from other lands!

    • Let no Jews be left behind in exile!

  5. Economy

    Israel's economy seems to have weathered the world economic storms relatively healthy. However, the Histadrut (Trade Union Association) is continuing to threaten a General Strike. Last week, praise God, the strike which was called was limited by the Labour Court to only 4 hours, but they are continuing to threaten further disruption; doctors are threatening to resign over their poor pay and working conditions; there is a recognized lack of affordable housing for people on lower incomes, especially in the cities. 30% of all wealth in Israel is owned by only 18 families. All these and other issues are prompting continued unrest and division. Pray:

    • for wisdom for the government.

    • For bold, righteous legislation.

    • For the breaking of monopoly power and control in the Israeli economy, especially limiting the control of these 18 families.

    • For ways to remove the pressure on young people to leave Israel in order to succeed.

    • For God's economic system in Israel (not communism as advocated by some of the protesters).

    • For the wealthy to be willing to give and not just take - to become aware of the social responsibility which comes with their wealth.

  6. Prayer Conference - January 23rd to 30th 2012

    • Pray that God will bring everyone to the conference whom He wants to be there and keep away everyone He doesn't want to be there.

    • Pray for further increased participation of 18-30 year olds.

    • Pray for people to be willing to sponsor these younger people to attend the conference from Israel and also from the nations.

    • Pray that all the young people whom God is calling would be provided with the needed finances as well as time off work/army service, etc. in order to be at the conference.